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2019-10-09 10:58:32 來源: 99時尚網
The Most Fabulous Movie Outfits of All Time圖片來源:上海大學 &ndash;巴黎國際時裝藝術學院電影有一種動人的力量, 通過人物

  The Most Fabulous Movie Outfits of All Time

圖片來源:上海大學 –巴黎國際時裝藝術學院

  電影有一種動人的力量, 通過人物服裝和配音的變化,讓我們仿佛置身于夢幻的場景中。因此最好的電影總是引人入勝, 電影人物的遭遇我們都能感同身受。 電影制作在主要人物的服裝選擇則和搭配上要花大量的精力, 服裝搭配可以設定電影的基調和情緒, 也能幫助我們對人物形象有更直觀的了解。 讓我們一起,從最早1977年一直到今天的經典電影中, 發現那些最好看的服裝搭配。

  Movies have this power over us, transporting us into a dream-like state with their multiple outfit changes and soundtrack. It’s for this reason the best films are ultra captivating, allowing us to feel like we’re experiencing everything the characters are going through. So much time is spent on wardrobe and costumes for the leading ladies and for good reason. Clothes help to set the tone and mood and also give us a first impression insight into who this character is and what we can expect from them. It’s time to take a trip through the decades and explore the most iconic movie outfits of all time, from 1977 through to present day.


  Diane Keaton in Annie Hall

圖片來源:上海大學 –巴黎國際時裝藝術學院

  Diane Keaton(美國演員)是中性風格的教母級人物, 在導演Woody Allen的這部電影中, 她的服裝都是自己選擇的。她標志性的風格是紐扣襯衫, 馬甲和高腰褲,讓她的熒幕形象栩栩如生, 電影上映后, 她的風格影響了很多女性和設計師。 Diane覺得女主不一定要為了性感而穿得性感,所以她在電影中穿得嚴嚴實實,然后通過自己的演技和風格來抓住觀眾的心。Diane Keaton的風格包括了男性化的腰帶, 大碼剪裁精良的夾克和紐扣襯衫。

  Diane Keaton, the OG of androgyny, actually insisted on choosing her own outfits for her role in Woody Allen’s Annie Hall. Her iconic style of button down shirts, waistcoats and high waisted pants really made her character come to life and has been a source of inspiration for women and designers since its premiere. Proving that leading ladies don’t have to dress ultra sexy in order to appear sexy, Diane showed no more than a hint of a wrist, ankle and neck and yet was able to truly captivate her audience through her style just as much as through her acting ability. Her key styling included masculine belts, oversized tailored jackets and shirts buttoned right to the top.


  Keira Knightley in Atonement

圖片來源:上海大學 –巴黎國際時裝藝術學院

  Keira Knightly(英國演員)在電影《贖罪》中惹眼的春蔓綠禮服讓人過目難忘。這件禮服完美貼合身體, 走過圖書館長裙發出輕輕的沙沙聲,極具現代感的廓形, 即使在今天依然不會過時。這件禮服由 Jacqueline Durran設計, 曾被天空電影頻道(Sky Movies)評選為“史上最佳影視服裝”。實際上, 這種綠色無疑是最安全的,既與眾不同, 又充滿魅惑,恰好呼應了電影的風格。這部電影中Jacqueline Durran的服裝設計無疑是很大的亮點, Knightly的其他很多搭配也值得細細品味。

  How could forget that dramatic ivy green evening gown Keira Knightly wore in Atonement. The dramatic swish of the skirt as she walked through the library, the impeccable fit and the fact that this rather modern silhouette somehow still seemed to work in the time period. The gown was designed by Jacqueline Durran and was even voted “Best Costume of All Time” by Sky Movies. In fact, this particular shade of green was no accident, ivy green being the color of jealousy and temptation, two major themes throughout the story. Durran’s dress certainly took center stage when it comes to the costumes used throughout this period drama however Knightly’s other costume changes were stellar choices too and shouldn’t be overlooked.


  Kirsten Dunst in The Virgin Suicides

圖片來源:上海大學 –巴黎國際時裝藝術學院

  這是Sophia Coppola(美國導演, 代表作《迷失東京》)不太著名的一部電影, 電影里的服裝簡直像是Chloé的廣告,充滿了輕盈飄逸, 女性化的花朵圖案和嫻靜端莊的風格。Kirsten和電影中她妹妹的每套服裝都是飄逸輕柔的,即使圖案和廓形都很老, 依掩蓋不了一種純潔的青春氣息。 在一部自殺題材的電影中,這種風格的服裝顯得更加突出。電影傳遞的是天主教的價值觀念直接反映在情節中, 過度保護的父母試圖把女兒們和混亂的外界隔離開, 但是適得其反, 更讓孩子們更壓抑,從而產生了自殺的念頭。 撇開電影的黑色基調不談, 電影中的服裝充滿了夏日風情,喜歡飄逸裙子的人一定可以找到很多的靈感。

  A lesser known film by director Sophia Coppola, The Virgin Suicides wardrobe could easily be part of a Chloé campaign thanks to the floaty dresses, feminine florals and demure tone. Every outfit worn by Kirsten and the girls who play her sisters is ethereal and dreamy yet innocent and junior despite the senior prints and silhouettes. The costumes stand out so starkly in contrast to the theme of suicide but also reflect virginal and catholic values which is in direct correlation to the plot of the film where over protective parents decide to isolate their teenage daughters from the wicked world which in fact only increases their thoughts of suicide and depression. Aside from the dark tone of the film, the costumes are the epitome of Summer fashion and all the inspiration you need to rock a floaty dress every day of the warmer season.


  Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s

圖片來源:上海大學 –巴黎國際時裝藝術學院

  毫無疑問, 《蒂芙尼的早餐》是史上服裝最優秀的電影之一,電影中標志性的服裝搭配遠不止一套。 說心里話, 即使赫本穿一只垃圾袋也能光彩照人, 我們更喜歡的是赫本的整體感覺, 上東區的風格和她無拘無束的個性和她秘而不宣的過去形成了對照。 如你所見, 電影中最經典的服裝莫過于赫本的無袖黑色連衣裙,搭配大量的珍珠,及肘的長手套,大碼太陽鏡, 當然還有廣為人知的高髻盤頭。 赫本不僅在電影里把優雅的晚裝穿成了日常服裝, 而且在有一幕, 赫本扮演的Holly穿著睡衣起床應門,一般人恐怕都是穿著舊T恤或者睡衣吧, 睡眼惺忪的赫本依然化著精致的妝容和藍色的蒂芙尼眼影(當然了這是電影, 所以一點也沒有臟),穿著白色的男式襯衫, 袖口卷了起來,自然流露出赫本的個人風格, 就連耳塞上也有好看的流蘇,鄭重地說, Holly應該是熒屏上最灑脫最時髦的女性了。

  Of course, in Breakfast at Tiffany’s has got to be one of the most fabulous movie outfits of all time, especially since there are multiple iconic outfits throughout the entire film. Let’s be honest, Audrey could wear a trash bag and still look flawless but we adore how her put together, upper east side style contrasts against her haphazard personality and the secrets of her past. Arguably the most iconic outfit in the movie is Audrey’s timeless sleeveless black dress, styled with an abundance of pearls, elbow length gloves, oversized sunglasses and of course her famous updo hairstyle. But it’s not just her glamorous evening for daywear look that deserves recognition. At one point in the movie, Audrey’s character Holly is awoken from a deep sleep and having to answer the door in her nightwear. For most of us that means an old t-shirt with holes in it or kitchy matching pajamas but not for Audrey. Sleepy eyed she still has her makeup on under a Tiffany blue eye mask (and of course this is a movie so it’s not smudged at all!) and sporting a stylish white bib night shirt, the cuffs falling back on themselves just so. Even her ear plugs have fancy tassels on them, it’s official, Holly Golightly is the most stylish woman ever to have lived.


  Alicia Silverstone in Clueless

圖片來源:上海大學 –巴黎國際時裝藝術學院

  回到90年代, Alicia Silverstone在青春片《獨領風騷》中扮演Cher Horowitz,和那個歌手Cher Horowitz同名, 這讓Alicia面臨不小的挑戰。好玩的是, 電影里她最好的朋友也“Dion”也和另一個歌手同名, 她們一起跳出各種時尚創意, 穿閨蜜款搭配。 電影里Cher從衣櫥里挑一套衣服時, 連接的高科技電腦就會出現她穿這套衣服的樣子,喜歡時尚的人看過《獨領風騷》都不會忘記那種艷羨的心情。 然后就可以看到她選了電影里最經典的一套:黃色格子短裙西裝套裝, 搭配及膝長襪和針織羊毛衫。

  Throwing back to the 90’s, Alicia Silverstone played Cher Horowitz in the teen movie Clueless, named after the singer of course, leaving her big boots to fill. Thankfully she has her best friend named after another famous singer “Dion” by her side to bounce fashion ideas off and match outfits with. Any fashion lover who watched Clueless when it first came out will remember the utter jealousy you felt watching Cher pick out her daily outfits with her state of the art closet that connected to her computer, allowing her to see what that outfit would look like on her body. It was this moment that we saw her choose her most iconic outfit of a yellow checkered skirt suit, complete with knee high socks and knitted cardigan.


  Olivia Newton-John in Grease

圖片來源:上海大學 –巴黎國際時裝藝術學院

  當我們看到電影末尾女主Sandy穿著緊身連衣褲的,都會被震撼。 電影里Olivia扮演的Sandy一直是一個傻白甜的形象, 一直到了這一刻,通過這身黑色的套裝把性感發揮到了極致。其實為了穿出最佳效果, Olivia特意把褲子的尺寸改小了。所以下次你穿緊身褲發現臀部效果不佳, 你知道怎么做了吧!

  I think we all got chills multiplying when we first saw Sandy come out in that skin tight cat suit at the end of the film. The rest of Olivia’s character Sandy’s outfits had been sweet and innocent up until that point, driving home the sex appeal of this all black ensemble even more. Olivia actually had to be sewn into the pants part of this outfit in order to get this look just right so bare that in mind the next time you try on a pair of skin tight pants that’s aren’t hugging your rear the way you expected them to!

  上海大學巴黎國際時裝藝術學院(Shanghai University - MOD'ART International),成立于2003年,被外界譽為”上海時裝界的黃埔軍校“,是國內第一個在上海創辦的中法合作時裝設計學院,國內率先引進奢侈品營銷與管理專業。受到中國服裝協會、中國服裝設計師協會、中國國際貿易促進會紡織行業分會等專業社會團體的支持。

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